Join NYC Cognitive Therapy’s Upcoming Therapy Groups

Mindfulness & Mental Health Group 

NYC Cognitive Therapy is offering a virtual 12-week Mindfulness & Mental Health Group led by Gianna LaLota, MHC-LP and Katie Zaborsky. This group is suited for both beginners who are new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as, individuals who are looking to deepen their practices.
 This 12-week closed group will consist of 10-12 group members (ages 18 and up) who are looking to learn more about mindfulness and mental health in a supportive group setting. Mindfulness has been clinically proven to reduce feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety by helping individuals cultivate greater present-moment awareness, as well as, compassion for themselves and others. Not only will group members leave the group with a greater understanding of basic mindfulness principles, they will also be equipped with various techniques and tools that they can implement in their daily lives.
 The group will meet via Zoom on Monday evenings from 7:15-8:30pm starting sometime in mid-late September. Please email for more information.
 This group covers:
-Session 1: Introduction to Mindfulness
-Session 2: Mindfulness of the Breath
-Session 3: Mindfulness of Emotions
-Session 4: Mindfulness of Thoughts
-Session 5: Mindfulness of the Body
-Session 6: Mindful Movement Practice
-Session 7: Mindfulness in Your Daily Life
-Session 8: Mindfulness for Self-Compassion
-Session 9: Mindfulness and Acceptance
-Session 10: Engaging Your 5 Senses & Grounding
-Session 11: Mindfulness for Focus & Increased Performance
-Session 12: Summary & Wrap-Up
CBT Skills Group for Social Anxiety

NYC Cognitive Therapy is also offering a virtual 15-week CBT Skills Group for Social Anxiety led by Gianna LaLota, MHC-LP and Jessica Nathanson. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be effectively utilized to help individuals struggling with social anxiety to reduce their anxiety in social settings, academic settings, career settings, etc. 
 The 15-week closed group will also contain 10-12 members (ages 18 and up) whose primary concern is social anxiety. The goal of the group is to help members address concerns, including socializing, making friends, dating, increasing assertiveness and communication skills, advancing one’s career, overcoming the fear of public speaking, and other performance-related anxiety using CBT skills and techniques. 
 The group will meet via Zoom on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm starting sometime in mid-late September. Please email to learn more. 
 This group covers:
-How to challenge anxious thoughts and develop more balanced thinking
-Creating a fear hierarchy
-In-session exposure exercises and behavioral experiments
-Assertiveness training
-Tips for small talk and having group conversations
-Techniques for combating rumination
-Attention training and mindfulness for anxiety
Don’t take our word for it. Hear what current group members have to say: “The group has been helpful for tackling my social anxiety triggers, and I have learned new strategies to use in the future, as well.  I have made some great progress each week, due to having accountability and structure. The pandemic is such a strange time, with some new social anxiety triggers, so I think the group has been good in helping me feel like I’m not regressing with my social coping skills.  It is also relieving to be able to talk about social anxiety publicly, something I have never done before, but that normalizes feeling awkward at times.”- C.D., group member 
-“The group therapy for social anxiety has been extremely helpful for me in learning about and developing the tools needed to manage, and hopefully overcome, my social anxiety. This is a problem that has plagued me for much of my life, and the social anxiety group offered the structure and supportive learning environment needed to help overcome some of the issues I face day-to-day. Gianna is a very professional, compassionate, and innovative facilitator, and the group members are highly supportive. It has been helpful also to find through the group setting that I am not alone in experiencing social anxiety issues. For anyone experiencing ongoing social anxiety, and wanting to work on managing it, I would highly recommend this group.”- M.P., group member
-“I have found this group very helpful for confronting my social anxiety – from useful exercises rooted in CBT, to intra-group exposures to hearing from others with similar experiences – I would certainly recommend it to others.”- J.P., group member

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